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Monday 18 April 2011

Greetings from Scotch!

Hi there. This is Scotch, but I have pals all over the world that go by so many names. I've got a cousin named Spot, a nephew who sports the moniker King, another cousin named Cookie, another cousin we call Queenie, and another cousin named Rex. It goes on from there, but I can lose track of things quick so I'll try to stay focused. Do you smell bacon?

been and just wanted to remind everyone just how much we love you. While you are out all day hunting for food, I'm at home not doing much of anything. You say you were only gone a minute. Well, it seems like seven to me. It's as if a whole week goes by when it's a work day. That's why I shake my tail off and dance like a fool when you get back. Plus, it's a holdover from my puppy days. It's what my wild cousins had to do to get fed when the rest of the family got back. Pups would nip and lick at the mouths of the adults so they would regurgitate some food for them. By the way, I notice you have never done that for me. I forgive you though since you bring home the goodies in bags, boxes and cans. Are you sure you don't smell bacon?
I've been looking forward to a time when you and I can go smell some things together. Since you only have two legs, I understand it is difficult for you to keep up. However, I am surprised at your limited attention span. I can sniff a spot until my nose hurts and you just want to go on to the next spot. Really, why is that? I must say that I am quite impressed with your nose though. I like to get right up on the spot and sniff until there is nothing left. You don't even have to bend over! That is quite impressive.
I've been busy too. I'm still trying to work out which soft things I can sleep on and which ones I can't. I've been studying which things made out of hide I can chew and which ones I can't. I don't really see a difference between leather shoes and rawhide chew, but I guess you do. I appreciate your patience. I've been trying to remember the thing about what is mine and what is yours too. Where I come from, what is mine is mine, and if you walk away from yours, well then it's mine too. If you wanted to keep it, you should have buried it somewhere. Unless it is bacon, then it is always mine.


Written By:


Scotch LeSamoyed


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